Healthy Eyes as You Age

What is vision therapy?

Vision therapy is the optometric care devoted to developing, improving, and enhancing a person’s visual performance. It is the process of training the eyes to perceive information faster and more efficiently.

What is the difference between a Visual Efficiency Evaluation and an eye exam?

A Visual Efficiency Evaluation (VEE) is different than a routine eye exam because it looks at the binocular function or how the eyes work together. An eye exam is evaluating the health of the eye and measuring acuity. The VEE includes a number of tests and procedures that measure how efficiently the eyes work as a team. If a diagnosis is determined, you would be referred for a vision therapy program.

Why do I need a dilated eye exam before a Visual Efficiency Evaluation?

The eye exam needs to be done prior to a VEE so that the doctor can confirm that your eyes are healthy and determine if glasses or contacts may be helpful for your visual concerns. We prefer the exam to be dilated so the doctor can better assess the health of the eye as well as check for focusing issues that can be better measured when dilated.

Who does the evaluations and who does the therapy?

Evaluations for vision therapy (Visual Efficiency Evaluations) are performed at McDonald Eye Care. If your doctor recommends vision therapy, you will then be referred to the Vision Performance Center of Minnesota for therapy sessions.

If therapy is recommended, how is it scheduled?

Therapy sessions are individualized, one-on-one with a vision therapist, same time, same day each week for 45-50 min. Home exercises are to be completed outside of therapy 5 days a week. The Vision Performance Center of Minnesota handles scheduling those appointments. This can be done following your Visual Efficiency Evaluation.

Is the Visual Efficiency Evaluation covered by insurance?

The Visual Efficiency Evaluation is submitted to your medical insurance. It will likely go towards your deductible, co-pay, or coinsurance depending upon your individual insurance plan.

Is Vision Therapy covered by insurance?

The Vision Performance Center is out-of-network with insurance and is unable to submit on your behalf. VPC can provide codes for you to self-submit to your insurance company.

How long is the vision therapy program?

VT entails 45-50 minutes once per week at the Vision Performance Center of Minnesota, but the key is 15 minutes of procedures / homework at home 5 days per week. Typically, the therapy lasts 20-25 sessions, but is based on the diagnoses. Therapy can go up to 40 weeks particularly if an eye turn is present.

What types of activities will we be doing at home?

Specific techniques and activities to reach individual goals will include:

  • Monocular (one eye at a time) activities designed to equalize the focusing and movement of each eye.
  • Binocular (both eyes together) work to improve efficiency while focusing and moving, using the two eyes together as a team.
  • Activities that integrate specific visual skills, such as focusing and eye movements, with real-world activities such as reading, writing, and observing moving objects at different distances.
  • A combination of free-space activities, pencil/paper activities, activities using lenses of different powers, and computer-based activities.

I think I need Vision Therapy. How do I get started?

Make sure that you have had a dilated eye exam in the last year. If you have already reached out to McDonald Eye Care or have been referred by a doctor, a scheduler will be calling you in the next 1-3 business days. They will also be able to answer any other questions you might have. If you haven’t already called or been referred to McDonald Eye Care for a VEE, call the office at 952-469-3937 and ask to speak to the VEE scheduler.